Promising three-year-old Brung King broke his maiden in easy fashion at Ararat over 1300-metres last Thursday. The gelded son of Crackerjack King made light work of his opposition in heavy conditions, settling rearward in the run before cruising past all comers in the home straight. The official margin was three-and-a-half-lengths but it could have been double that, jockey John Allen barely exerting himself before sitting up for the photo well before the winning post. In a pre-race change of tactics, the stable declared their intention to settle at the tail of the field, Allen happy to cart around last in the three-wide line throughout the event. The Dwyer runner let down in the home straight, improving from last to first in a matter of strides and the race was over by the furlong marker. Brung King’s last 400-metres of the race was nearly a full second faster than any other runner, running through the line untouched and a class above his rivals. Allen was pleased with the performance post-race. “He travelled into the race and as you saw, put them away very easily”. One of the big positives out of the race was the way he handled the heavy ground, given his next assignment will be in similar conditions at Warrnambool on the last day of their carnival. He’ll tackle three-year-old company in a benchmark-70 event over 1400-metres there, a sharp rise in grade but not beyond this progressive galloper. Brung King has now had four career starts for a win and three minor placings, performing well each time he has stepped out at the races.